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Do you like being scared by books, films, and surprises? Describe the sensation of being scared, and why you love it — or don’t.

I most definitely do NOT like to be frightened or scared, much less do it to myself.  I don’t have a good constitution for that.  Literally, my nerve endings pop and seem to tear out of my skin at the very littlest thing.  When did I first know?  Oh, that would be in the woods.  The music started rising, everything got faster and faster and louder and louder, then….. BANG!  Bambi’s mother was dead….. off screen.  It’s okay, my head was buried into the hood of my parka jacket long before that evil hunter murdered an innocent doe mom.  I love Halloween, though; but hate zombies any way shape or form.

My body loves to be in a calm state.  That’s just how it is.  I won’t even watch violence on tv, though I did read “The Exorcist” and “Carrie.”  I did “Carrie” on the big screen, but not “the Exorcist.”   I love the subject matter, hate the pins-and-needles-through-my-skin excitement.  Did I ever tell you that I’m a Gemini?  Quintessential.  What that means is that this post will fluctuate back and forth and when it’s all told, you won’t really know where I stand.  No, I can’t really say that.  I’m incapable of watching really violent movies or tv shows.  I don’t watch or read mysteries, or pick up books with blood on the cover.  I never read or saw a Stephen King book or movie.  I really love Criminal Minds on tv, yet I can’t get through even half an episode without switching to another channel.  I can watch Bones, though, and a new favorite, Blacklist.

I think there is too much violence, blood and gore, must too realistic blood and gore in the movies that children go see and what is put on tv.  I’m sorry, but the generation of today is too brainwashed to know that they should not be watching this stuff.  What is so great about zombies?  Though I love that car commercial with the zombie in it, but that’s because it’s too crazy for me to think of a zombie having a civilized conversation and telling the sales girl that it’s not nice to place labels on people…. then his ear falls off and he admits that he IS a zombie… ha as if you couldn’t tell.  That commercial gets me all the time and I laugh.  Maybe this is how the powers that be desensitizes the public into believing zombies are “fun” and the next thing you know, babies are showing up all over the internet dressed up with zombie makeup.  What happened to cute Halloween costumes for the little ones, younger than teenagers?

I wonder why people like to watch scary stuff.  I mean, it’s not like there’s a decent plot except for maybe Stephen King puts out.  Why do people like to be scared by Jason and the rest (as you can see, I’m not familiar with any of  this type of pop culture, if you could call it “culture.”  WHY does Hollywood resort to this sort of thing in the first place?  Can’t they tell a decent story without all this crap?  Why is it necessary?  Oh, because people love to be frightened.  Why?  Are they missing something in their lives and this sort of thing reassures them that they’re still alive?  Can’t that electrical alive sensation be gotten from somewhere else?  It’s not even a good feeling, people.

You know, I don’t like those big rides at amusement parks, either.  Too much adrenalin does not do my body good.  I’m starting to feel sad for those people who need to scare themselves to death into this thing we call life.  Hmm  That’s kind of ironic, wouldn’t you say?

So, I’m sure there will be people out there who will take an exception to my musings today.  I’m talking about the Horror genre.  Maybe you can lay it out for me why you are attracted to scary movies, books and the blood and gore.  Also, what about this late entry into the mix of adrenalin pumping rides that can be kind of dangerous yet we can’t be pulled away from riding them proudly dozens of times?  What’s the draw to pay whatever you are paying to be scared?